New posts in combinatorics

Average number of strings with edit distance at most 4

$100$ boxes of fruits - pick $51$ and get at least half of each type?

A game played on graphs by "flipping" the state of a vertex and its neighbors

On the impossibility of proving certain problems using double counting.

A problem about symmetric relations on finite sets.

Problem about subsets of $\{1, 2,\dots,n\}$

When two voters meet, they switch allegiance; might they all ally with the same candidate?

Reciprocal binomial coefficient polynomial evaluation

Why is Euler's totient function equal to $(p-1)(q-1)$ when $N=pq$ and $p$ and $q$ are prime in a clean intuitive way?

Definition of star in a simplicial complex

Burnside's Lemma

Fractional oblongs in unit square via the Paulhus packing technique

Fibonacci cycles for finite groups

Bijection for $q$-binomial coefficient

How many necklaces are there with a known number of beads of each color? [duplicate]

How many injective functions from $\{5,6,7,8,9\}$ to itself map $5$ and $6$ to another number?

10 passengers in a boat

Asymptotic frequency of $[0,\,1,\,1]$ in the Thue–Morse sequence

Curious question about cardinality of finite sets

Can you provide a symmetric presentation of this partition lattice?