New posts in combinatorics

Coloring of positive integers

Chess board problem

Prove that $\sum_{q=0}^{d-r}\sum_{s=r+q}^{d}{{\binom {r-1+q}{r-1}}(r-1)!s}=\sum_{s=r}^{d}{\binom{s}{r}(r-1)!s}$ by sum manipulation [closed]

Some questions concerning the symmetric group $S_n$

How many unique numbers can be obtained from multiplying two natural numbers less than $N$?

Maximum integer not in $\{ ax+by : \gcd(a,b) = 1 \land a,b \ge 0 \}$

Minimum Size of Word Search Containing All Strings of Length $l$

Bijection between perfect matchings permutations with even cycles

the sum of two arbitrary different numbers in the sequence is always coprime with the sum of three arbitrary different numbers

When are eight integers entirely determined by their pairwise sums?

Finding Expressively Adequate truth Functions

Average Number of Blocks in a Partition Containing a Large Block

How many ways can 10 teachers be divided among 5 schools?

Formula for evaluation of character on a transposition

How many solutions does the equation $x_1 + x_2 + x_3 = 11$ have, where $x_1, x_2, x_3$ are nonnegative integers?

How find this minimum of the value $f(1)+f(2)+\cdots+f(100)$

Shooting game - a probability question

On the four and five color theorems

Does the following object have such property?

Counting set partitions of $\{1,2,...,n\}$ into exactly $k$ non-empty subsets with max size $m$