New posts in cardinals

Comparing the sizes of countable infinite sets [duplicate]

Why continuum function isn't strictly increasing?

Cardinality of cartesian square

How to Understand the Definition of Cardinal Exponentiation

Several forcing axioms imply $2^{\aleph_0 }= \aleph_2$. What about $2^{\aleph_1}$?

How to divide aleph numbers

Cardinality of the Irrationals [duplicate]

Non-aleph infinite cardinals

Cardinality of a set A is strictly less than the cardinality of the power set of A

The relationship of ${\frak m+m=m}$ to AC

How many compact Hausdorff spaces are there of a given cardinality?

What is the largest set for which its set of self bijections is countable?

Proving $\mathbb{N}^k$ is countable

Bijection between power sets of sets implies bijection between sets? [duplicate]

Is cardinality a well defined function?

Does any uncountable set contain two disjoint uncountable sets?

Problems about Countability related to Function Spaces

What is $\aleph_0$ powered to $\aleph_0$?

Is the class of cardinals totally ordered?

Is the number of 3-dimensional slices slices of a 5-dimensional space less than the number of 3-dimensional slices of a 4-dimensional space?