New posts in business-language

What is the meaning of the expression "We can table this"?

What is the plural of Prius?

Is it bad behavior to add filler words such as "so", "um" in business speak?

What does it mean to "pay X on the dollar"?

Which preposition to use in “communication [over, by, through, via, with] email”? [closed]

Difference in usage of terms "company" and "firm"

Hypernym for "customer," "supplier", "manufacturer"

Can or should "ask" ever be used as a noun?

Word or phrase for mere coincidence that brings happiness

Euphemism for diarrhea

"Firstname" or "First Name"?

What is "a room a company provides for eating food" called?

Meaning of "reach out to somebody"

Could you please find below details VS Please find below details [closed]

Word for a task which is flawed or doomed to failure but which you have to do anyway?

When can you start wishing people a good weekend? [closed]

Can “thanks in advance” be considered rude? [closed]