New posts in bug

How do I find a specific bug on Apple's Bug Reporter?

How do I download songs in a playlist in Music?

macOS Catalina cannot create signature with built-in camera

iCloud allows access to files via direct link without authentication!

Disable Java Auto Update Prompt for 1.7u25 on Mountain Lion

Apple Shellshock patch for 10.6?

White bar over menu bar?

What is the Rowhammer DRAM bug and how should I treat it?

How can I delete a (null) app in usage?

How to investigate Mail app's random popup bug on Mojave?

Mac Mini 2018 Kernel panic bug_type 210 after Security Update 2020-002

MacBook not asking for password after sleep

free reports bogus amount of swap used

Is Soundflower 1.6.6 compatible with Mavericks 10.9?

How do I prevent "Local Items" Keychain from locking?

How to mitigate CVE-2015-1130 (Hidden Backdoor with Root) due to lack of Apple support?

Weird display issue on OS X Lion when switching external monitor

Mac does not sleep automatically in Lion!

I can’t type the number twenty on iOS

git is broken: "Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo"