New posts in blocking

What is NSManagedObjectContext's performBlock: used for?

How would you implement a basic event-loop?

uBlock Origin - Create filter based on href link

Blocking * at the OS (Windows) level

How SmartDNS Works

Block a URL at browser level

Blocking only Flash and animated GIF images

Allow a certain URL path with Squid

How do I read the output of a child process without blocking in Rust?

Add-on for blocking sites in Google Search [closed]

htaccess config to block depending on browser agent

How to block bluetooth signals?

Is there a simple way to detect ISP port blocking?

What does InputStream.available() do in Java?

What's the difference between: Asynchronous, Non-Blocking, Event-Base architectures?

How to block div on website permanently using Chrome?

Blocking hover ads

Are there internet users connecting with HTTP/1.0?

Haproxy: reject traffic by user agent from file

How to block/disable internet for one user in Windows 7 while keeping internet access for other users?