New posts in big-o

What are the rules for the "Ω(n log n) barrier" for sorting algorithms?

Why is accessing an element of a dictionary by key O(1) even though the hash function may not be O(1)?

multiset, map and hash map complexity

Example of O(n!)?

What is the complexity of regular expression?

Understanding Time complexity calculation for Dijkstra Algorithm

Computing set intersection in linear time?

Is Big O(logn) log base e?

O(nⁿ) complexity pseuodocode structure using loops or recursion

What is the difference between lower bound and tight bound?

What would cause an algorithm to have O(log n) complexity?

Time complexity of python set operations?

Python dictionary keys. "In" complexity

Stack with find-min/find-max more efficient than O(n)?

Big O of JavaScript arrays

Is this technically an O(1) algorithm for "Hello World"?

What is pseudopolynomial time? How does it differ from polynomial time?

What would cause an algorithm to have O(log log n) complexity?

Maximum single-sell profit

Finding Big O of the Harmonic Series