New posts in battery

Brand new battery is 100% charged but at 0% capacity

What iCloud for windows is doing in the background - it takes 25% cpu capacity by average | and how to solve it

MacBook Pro 16" runs about 10 degrees hotter when plugged in on idle, is this normal?

Safari using significant energy

Why does macOS show 100% battery and fully charged when "Charge Remaining" is lower than "Full Charge Capacity"

MacBook 13" Mid 2012 shuts down with 20% with new battery [duplicate]

Any Problem in Letting iPhone 4 Battery Drop to 0?

Replacing a MacBook Pro battery

Battery life on a core i7 Macbook Air

What can cause a sudden crash of a laptop on battery power?

Is switching 3G/4G off to save power a cheap trick?

RAID supercapacitor only card (to replace BBU maintenance free) [closed]

Does activating Find My Phone deplete the battery on an iOS device being tracked?

Disable Spotlight indexing, save battery life

Can a MacBook Air battery be replaced?

Should the MacBook Air have the same amount of charge as its stated capacity when 'Full Charged'?

Should I use UPS with my laptop to extend the battery life?

Seems like my trackpad is never sleeping/shutting off

Apple 12W adapter for 4th generation iPad? [duplicate]

The battery indicator& Power setting panel shows wrong battery state