New posts in baire-category

The inverse image of dense set is dense and of a comeager set is comeager?.

Examples of closed subspaces of Baire spaces that fail to be Baire?

Showing a set is nowhere dense in $C([0,1])$

Is the union of two nowhere dense sets nowhere dense?

Is an NVS complete iff it is non meagre?

What is the justification for these two steps in proof of Baire's theorem?

Proving Baire's theorem: The intersection of a sequence of dense open subsets of a complete metric space is nonempty

Counterexample to the Converse of Baire's Category Theorem

Complement of meagre set contains a dense $G_\delta$ set

$\lim_{n\to \infty}f(nx)=0$ implies $\lim_{x\to \infty}f(x)=0$ [duplicate]

Why is it that $\mathbb{Q}$ cannot be homeomorphic to _any_ complete metric space?

A classical problem about limit of continuous function at infinity and its connection with Baire Category Theorem

Simple question about Open Mapping Theorem's proof in Functional Analysis

Is $[0,1]$ a countable disjoint union of closed sets?

Let $X$ be an infinite dimensional Banach space. Prove that every Hamel basis of X is uncountable.

Does the open mapping theorem imply the Baire category theorem?

Your favourite application of the Baire Category Theorem