New posts in aws-cli

Do AWS Servers need fail2ban?

How to set up IAM Role Permissions for VPC CloudWatch logs?

How to *actually* exclude a directory in AWS S3 sync?

Filtering AMI by name using aws-cli

AWS CLI not working because of unsupported Python version

Access Denied when syncing between s3 buckets on different AWS accounts

How can I search across CloudWatch log groups on AWS?

Get ARN of S3 Bucket with aws cli

Why can't I capture AWS EC2 CLI Output in Bash?

how to show an IAM user's roles with 'aws iam'?

AWS CLI copy life-cycle configuration between buckets

how to view aws log real time (like tail -f)

Ansible EC2 metatadata options?

Download EBS volume or snapshot to file

How to take EBS Volume snapshot and store to S3 Reduced Redundancy?

AWS CLI S3 A client error (403) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden

How to display only files from aws s3 ls command?

fetch autoscaling group name in AWS

The AWS Access Key Id does not exist in our records

How do I delete a versioned bucket in AWS S3 using the CLI?