New posts in automation

How do I run my PowerShell scripts in parallel without using Jobs?

Disable automatic driver update for only one device in Windows 10

Run program if connected to specific wifi?

How is Adobe Update Notifier auto launched on Mac OS X?

Automate the installation of postfix on Ubuntu

Can Finder have a service (control click / right click) to add file cut and paste instead of using key shortcuts?

Writing a Powershell Script to Close Windows on startup

Automatically Configure New Computers

Avoiding user interaction with tzdata when installing certbot in a docker container

How can I make 'rm' move files to the trash can?

How to monitor a folder and trigger a command-line action when a file is created or edited?

Automatically login and lock

Start/stop internet sharing from a script?

Cygwin SSHd Autoblock Failed Logins

Using Apple Script to Manage Sound Output Selection

How to automate SSH login with password?