New posts in automatic-ref-counting

Generate a UUID string with ARC enabled

Under automatic reference counting, why are retain, release, and dealloc not allowed?

Does ARC work with Core Graphics objects?

Is ARC really supported in iOS 4? The iOS 4.2 SDK is missing ARC-related symbols at linking time

Should I declare variables in interface or using property in objective-c arc?

What is the equivalent of @autoreleasepool in Swift?

How to enable ARC for a single file

@property definitions with ARC: strong or retain?

Is it possible to debug "Terminated due to memory error"?

@autoreleasepool without ARC?

ARC - The meaning of __unsafe_unretained?

Cannot use respondsToSelector using ARC on Mac

What is the difference between Objective-C automatic reference counting and garbage collection?

AutoLayout: removeFromSuperview / removeConstraints throws exception and crashes hard

ARC forbids Objective-C objects in structs or unions despite marking the file -fno-objc-arc

How do I replace weak references when using ARC and targeting iOS 4.0?

KVO and ARC how to removeObserver

NSString to CFStringRef and CFStringRef to NSString in ARC?

Weak NSString variable is not nil after setting the only strong reference to nil

Weak and strong property setter attributes in Objective-C