New posts in assembly

Do terms like direct/indirect addressing mode actual exists in the Intel x86 manuals

NASM issue on OSX 64-bit [duplicate]

gas: too many memory reference

How to get assembly output from building with Cargo?

How does "mov (%ebx,%eax,4),%eax" work? [duplicate]

what is the order of source operands in AT&T syntax compared to Intel syntax?

Optimize for fast multiplication but slow addition: FMA and doubledouble

Load from a 64-bit address into other register than rax

Permanently Change Disassembly Flavor in GDB

Calculating padding length with GAS AT&T directives for a boot sector?

What does the MOVZBL instruction do in IA-32 AT&T syntax?

Assembly difference between [var], and var

Why does a std::atomic store with sequential consistency use XCHG?

Performance difference between Windows and Linux using Intel compiler: looking at the assembly

When are x86 LFENCE, SFENCE and MFENCE instructions required?

How does a NOP sled work?

GAS: Explanation of .cfi_def_cfa_offset

What kind of C11 data type is an array according to the AMD64 ABI

What is the latency and throughput of the RDRAND instruction on Ivy Bridge?

How Do You Make An Assembler? [closed]