New posts in assembly

How to fix "os.asm:113: error: TIMES value -138 is negative" in assembly language

What if the processor does not have special instructions for input and output

How do AX, AH, AL map onto EAX?

Is there a programming language "below" Assembly? [closed]

Profiling high-performance Haskell code

How to write multiline inline assembly code in GCC C++?

Using Assembly Language in C/C++

How to produce a minimal BIOS hello world boot sector with GCC that works from a USB stick on real hardware?

How to power down the computer from a freestanding environment?

What is the difference between unconditional branch and unconditional jump (instructions in MIPS)?

Understanding %rip register in intel assembly

What is the meaning of XOR in x86 assembly?

Where are expressions and constants stored if not in memory?

Enable the boot loader to load the second sector of a USB

Relative performance of x86 inc vs. add instruction

What is the 'asmlinkage' modifier meant for?

NASM Vs GAS (Practical differences)

basic assembly not working on Mac (x86_64+Lion)?

Is it possible to include inline assembly in Go code?

Is there a specification of x86 I/O port assignment?