New posts in assembly

Segmentation fault on printf - NASM 64bit Linux

How to print a character in Linux x86 NASM?

Weird performance effects from nearby dependent stores in a pointer-chasing loop on IvyBridge. Adding an extra load speeds it up?

What is an assembly-level representation of pushl/popl %esp?

How to multiply a register by 37 using only 2 consecutive leal instructions in x86?

x86_64: is IMUL faster than 2x SHL + 2x ADD?

How can I multiply 64 bit operands and get 128 bit result portably?

how arm-thumb instruction set's blx instruction support 4MB range

push on 64bit intel osx

How to single step ARM assembly in GDB on QEMU?

Alloca implementation

Why not store function parameters in XMM vector registers?

How does a mutex lock and unlock functions prevents CPU reordering?

Why can't we understand the content of a binary file after compiled?

What are the segment and offset in real mode memory addressing?

x86_64 ASM - maximum bytes for an instruction?

Assembly registers in 64-bit architecture

How to generate assembly code with clang in Intel syntax?

What was the original reason for the design of AT&T assembly syntax?

What does the dollar sign ($) mean in x86 assembly when calculating string lengths like "$ - label"? [duplicate]