New posts in assembly

VA (Virtual Address) & RVA (Relative Virtual Address)

Why don't modern compilers coalesce neighboring memory accesses?

System Calls in windows & Native API?

Difference between rdtscp, rdtsc : memory and cpuid / rdtsc?

MOV src, dest (or) MOV dest, src?

Do x86 instructions require their own encoding as well as all of their arguments to be present in memory at the same time?

To learn assembly - should I start with 32 bit or 64 bit?

Does it make any sense to use the LFENCE instruction on x86/x86_64 processors?

What do the brackets mean in x86 asm?

How to write self-modifying code in x86 assembly

Is this "should not happen" crash an AMD Fusion CPU bug?

Understanding how EIP (RIP) register works?

Why does using the ternary operator to return a string generate considerably different code from returning in an equivalent if/else block?

Why is the construction of std::optional<int> more expensive than a std::pair<int, bool>?

C++: Mysteriously huge speedup from keeping one operand in a register

Is this code correct (Number plus number, then print the result)

Segmentation fault when using DB (define byte) inside a function

Turn float into string

Why is no value returned if a function does not explicity use 'ret'

Successive sys_write syscalls not working as expected, NASM bug on OS X?