New posts in arithmetic

Calculate $\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}} \times \sqrt{\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}} \times \ldots $

Why are linear functions linear?

Set Addition vs. Set Union

Why is $\frac{10}{8.1}$ so weird?

negative number divided by positive number, what would be remainder? [closed]

Show that $(\sqrt{y^2-x}-x)(\sqrt{x^2+y}-y)=y \iff x+y=0$

Numbers of distinct values obtained by inserting $+ - \times \div ()$ in $\underbrace{2\quad2 \quad2 \quad2\quad...\quad 2}_{n \text{ times}}$

Rewriting repeated integer division with multiplication

Why are fractions the same as divisions? [duplicate]

Is there any way to define arithmetical multiplication as other thing than repeated addition?

A strange little number - $6174$.

Equivalence of different ways of geometrical multiplication

Parabolas in sequences of digits from the Fibonacci sequence

On the commutative property of multiplication (domain of integers, possibly reals)

why is $\sqrt{-1} = i$ and not $\pm i$? [duplicate]

Subtraction with a negative result

Derivation of the "Combined Work Formula"

Non-standard models of arithmetic for Dummies

what operation repeated $n$ times results in the addition operator?