New posts in apt

Why does apt-get keep waiting for headers on Oracle repository?

How to resolve the errors that show up when trying to install Unity tweak tool?

E: The repository ' focal Release' does not have a Release file [duplicate]

How can I uninstall Oracle VirtualBox? "error processing package" [duplicate]

Is my Ubuntu mirror down?

How to properly remove packages

Are bad download speeds considered normal after a release of a new Ubuntu version?

MySQL fail after Ubuntu 20.04 upgrade

How do I get the real package name and version for a pseudo package?

How to set the path where sudo apt-get installs

Why Ubuntu Server ask me to restart services?

Is the latest Remmina 1.0 in the official 12.04 repositories?

Turning off SSL certificate check when adding PPAs

How to install mssql-cli at UBUNTU 18 LTS?

How to install recommend packages from a file (package.deb)?

Can't remove steam

Possible to run (and update) Ubuntu with only access to an APT Cacher?

APT unable to locate sun-java5-jdk

Ubuntu Software Center missing in 20.04

Unable to uninstall package with error "Unable to locate package"