New posts in apple-silicon

How to run the Homebrew installer under Rosetta 2 on M1 Macbook

Is there an equivalent to resetting NVRAM on an M1 mac?

How to run Elasticsearch 6 on an Apple Silicon Mac?

Verbose Mode during startup not working on Apple Silicon

Where is the private forum for the Universal App Quick Start Program / Developer Transition Kit (DTK)?

Apple Silicon M1 Mac connecting 30" Apple Cinema Display

Icon for Visual Studio Code in Spotlight not working [duplicate]

Just bought MacMini M1, not happy with BigSur can I install Catalina and if so how?

Battery discharge while Macbook was turned off in 1 week. Possible causes?

Does the new 24" iMac Touch ID keyboard work with Mac's with the T2 Chip?

xcode not building arm64/apple silicon universal dylib

can't mount an encrypted Volume on an M1 Mac. Works fine on Intel Macs. Known Issue?

How to tell if M1 Mac has Rosetta installed?

Emulating ARM (M1-like) macOS on an x86 Intel Mac

Is it possible to compile UNIX command line program for Apple Silicon architecture on Intel-based Mac?

Gaming on two external monitors on MacBook Air M1 [duplicate]

How to execute terminal command on energy efficient cores on M1 chip?

Docker (Apple Silicon/M1 Preview) MySQL "no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries"

Is it safe to erase entire SSD of M1 computer?

Razer Deathadder Back/Forward buttons in Big Sur Apple M1