New posts in apache-2.4

Solving Apache "search permissions are missing on a component of the path" issue

Rewrite robots.txt based on host with htaccess

Unable to allow/deny access to IPs

LogFormat apache 2.4 not work

Can't connect to server running apache over port 80

certbot --apache uses wrong domain name but claims to use the right one

APACHE SetEnv directive (from .htaccess) not send to CGI process

Apache - Need to rewrite /contact/ to /contact.php

NTLM authentication module mod_auth_ntlm_winbind for Apache2 omits domain name

Apache redirect request to another server on error

Allow access based on a domain name (Apache)?

Apache returning wrong Location header

Can't serve static files with ampersand in name

Is it a good idea to put shared files outside public_html / root? [closed]

Enabling only TLS1.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 w/ Apache 2.4

Server still vulnerable to HeartBleed after Openssl update

Using ProxyPassMatch for FastCGI, results in connection refused on port 9000

Apache 'Header set' functions differently across browsers

How do I "override" Server response header on a ReverseProxied website?

How to check apache for SNI (Server Name Indication ) availability?