New posts in ansible

Ansible command-task runs into "Exec format error"

templating file with ansible to get different variable parts (through its index) for different hosts

Ansible: To use the 'ssh' connection type with passwords, you must install the sshpass program"

Extracting part of the string using Ansible regex_search and save the output as a variable

Checking sudoers.d files with Ansible

error while playing ansible playbook

Restart all Jenkins Nodes

Get current hostname and push it into conf file with ansible

ansible - template json for environmental variable in docker container

Difference between become and become_user in Ansible

Ansible command ignore creates

Ansible management of frequently off machines

Create and use group without restart

ansible: How to properly handle errors that break handler notification?

Programmatically changing ansible_ssh_user during a play

Ansible role post tasks

Ansible Playbook: Ensure a process is running on any one node of a cluster?

How to define private SSH keys for servers in dynamic inventories

How to change stack depth limits in /etc/security/limits.d/ and have the changes apply to services at boot

How to hide password in the ansible host file