New posts in android-fragments

Android fragment in isolation

Position of DialogFragment in Android

Is it possible to access the current Fragment being viewed by a ViewPager?

Difference between extending LifecycleActivity,Activity,ActionbarActivity & AppCompactActivity?

To Fragment or not to Fragment - Nested Fragments against Activities. Why should I use more than one Activity?

ViewPager's Fragment's view lost when ViewPager's parent Fragment hidden then shown

How to handle onContextItemSelected in a multi fragment activity?

Pull to refresh recyclerview android

Fragment must be a public static class to be properly recreated from instance state

using onQueryTextChange in fragment and need some suggestions regarding code

reusing fragments in a fragmentpageradapter

How to use Fragments in Android

android: how do I check if dialogfragment is showing

Android FragmentTransaction Custom Animation (Unknown Animator Name: Translate)

When a Fragment is replaced and put in the back stack (or removed) does it stay in memory?

onClickListener does not work in fragment

ViewPager2 doesn't show correct Fragment on slow devices or when debugging

fragment lifecycle: when "ondestroy" and "ondestroyview" are not called?

Fragment-Fragment communication in Android

RecyclerView not calling onCreateViewHolder or onBindView