New posts in ambiguity

Difference between screen, display, monitor, and display monitor

Does "vomit" refer to a single heave or an entire episode of vomiting?

Get married: act vs ceremony

"Dial M for Murder" meaning

"Unlike" after negatives

Can the word "rook" be used as a verb in chess?

Ambiguity of "Dogs must be carried on this escalator"

What’s the long form corresponding to the short form “English Language & Usage”?

Potentially ambiguous sentence/understanding

"Do not ... and ..." grammar confusion

Ambiguous relative clause

What is the meaning of the expression "We can table this"?

"Find ten apples and oranges" Do I find 10 or 20?

What is the origin of "hot" as "good-looking" or "attractive"?

What does Théoden’s quote “Oft evil will shall evil mar” in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings mean?

Usage of "East Indian" to distinguish from "Native American"

Word to define person with bad social skills

How to avoid ambiguity in the question: "Why do you think...?"

Arguable ("susceptible to doubt") vs arguable ("susceptible to being supported")

Help me understand a stag joke in a movie [closed]