New posts in alter-table

MySQL: ALTER TABLE if column not exists

Adding a column as a foreign key gives ERROR column referenced in foreign key constraint does not exist

ALTER TABLE without locking the table?

Alter MySQL table to add comments on columns

Create an index on a huge MySQL production table without table locking

insert a NOT NULL column to an existing table

How do I alter the position of a column in a PostgreSQL database table?

How to change MySQL column definition?

How to alter a column's data type in a PostgreSQL table?

sqlite alter table add MULTIPLE columns in a single statement

add column to mysql table if it does not exist

Postgresql - change the size of a varchar column to lower length

Can I create a named default constraint in an add column statement in SQL Server?

How do I add more members to my ENUM-type column in MySQL?

Alter column, add default constraint

ALTER TABLE to add a composite primary key

Alter a MySQL column to be AUTO_INCREMENT

How can I add a column that doesn't allow nulls in a Postgresql database?

SQL Server add auto increment primary key to existing table

How can I modify the size of column in a MySQL table?