New posts in algebraic-geometry

Constructing the 11-gon by splitting an angle in five

Every affine variety in $\mathbb A^n$ consisting of finitely many points can be written as the zero locus of $n$ polynomials

Flat morphism preserves associated points

Is a finitely generate $k$-algebra that has no nilpotent element ($k$ is a field) an integral domain?

Rational Points on the genus $2$ curve $y^2 = x^6 - 4x^2+4$.

Proof Verification: $\Omega_{X \times Y/S} \cong p_1^* \Omega_{X/S} \oplus p_2^* \Omega_{Y/S} $

tensor product of sheaves commutes with inverse image

Why is the hard Lefschetz theorem "hard"?

How is Category Theory used to study differential equations?

Is the set of closed points of a $k$-scheme of finite type dense?

Tensor product of domains is a domain

Motivating (iso)morphism of varieties

Does there exist a regular map $\mathbb{A}^1\to\mathbb{P}^1$ which is surjective?

Original works of great mathematician Évariste Galois

How to generalize the tangent cone at X at regular point p?

What geometrical obstructions to $M$ being flat do elements which map to 0 in $M \otimes I$ represent?

Geometry or topology behind the "impossible staircase"

A Geometric Description of Injective Modules

if R is a commutative ring in which all the prime ideals are finitely generated then R is Noetherian [duplicate]

Has SGA 4½ been typeset in TeX?