New posts in abstract-algebra

Is the image of a tensor product equal to the tensor product of the images?

Galois group of $x^6+3$ over $\mathbb Q$

Intermediate field, normal closure and Galois group

Is there a formula for the determinant of the wedge product of two matrices?

Isomorphic rings or not?

Understanding the normalizer of a Sylow $p$-subgroup

How does 11 split in the ring $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt[3]{2}]$

Elementary proof that all fields of four elements are isomorphic to each other

What is a coset?

If $A[[x]]$ is Noetherian, will $A$ be Noetherian?

Is it true that a flat module is torsion-free over an arbitrary ring? Does the reverse implication hold for finitely generated modules?

Is it necessary for non-zero quotient ring in a UFD but not PID to be an infinite set?

Intersection of cosets

If $H\unlhd G$ with $(|H|,[G:H])=1$ then $H$ is the unique such subgroup in $G$.

Slicker construction of the free product of groups

Solutions of homogeneous linear differential equations are a special case of structure theorem for f.g. modules over a PID

Help me prove equivalently of regular semigroup and group.

Is duality an exact functor on Banach spaces or Hilbert spaces?

Why is $\mathbb{Q}(\operatorname{exp}(\frac{2\pi i}{5}))$ a field extension of degree four not five?

Seifert-van-Kampen and free product with amalgamation