How to define special characters in array implementing Java application?

I am implementing input method related application in Android. In this application I'm using special characters and symbols



a' is not reading remaining all numeric and alphabets are reading. How can implement special symbols reading scenario?

in xml replace this ' character '

Some other xml characters

1. & - &amp; 
2. < - &lt;
3. > - &gt;
4. " - &quot;
5. ' - &#39;
6. { - &#123;
7. } - &#125;
8. @ - &#64;

ex:   a' Code  =   a&#39; Code

see this link for more characters...

EDIT1 03-12-2013

Above links seems broken now. Here are some other links

Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Hope this will help.