Why is exfat greyed out in gparted? [duplicate]

For GParted version v1.2.0 and above (Ubuntu 21.10 and above)

exFAT support was added in version 1.2.0 of GParted. To use exFAT you must install the exfatprogs package (and NOT exfat-utils). Installing exfatprogs will uninstall exfat-utils.

Install via the software center

exfat is now supported in GParted v1.2.0 with features "detect","read","create","move","copy","check","label", and "UUID", but not "grow" or "shrink"

There is also a requirement fo util-linux v2.18 and above. Ubuntu 21.04 is already at util-linux v2.36 so this isn't an issue unless you're manually backporting.

As of writing, GParted 1.2.0 is not yet in any version backports.

For GParted version below v1.2.0 (<= Ubuntu 21.04)

In View->File System Support, exFAT currently doesn't have support in gparted (0.28.1) for anything other than moving or copying.

enter image description here

No "required software" is listed, so it doesn't (yet) know about exfat-utils.

However, because:

  • the partition is a valid partition, and
  • its perfectly safe to move or copy (since the internals of the filesystem are not affected by a move)

the partition must be listed in the list of filesystems, but greyed out in this context.

If you must format a partition as exfat, then you can use gnome-disks (a.k.a. "Disks") as in this question: GUI tool for formating to exFAT

Much more simple: You can use the Ubuntu Disks app. It does it without needing any other add-on. Just open the Disks app, then choose "format partition". Then name your drive and Choose the option "Other" in order to choose the format.

Click "next" and then you will be able to select "exFat" formatting. Format and then you're all set!


PS: If it still remains greyed, then @K.-MichaelAye found a fix by installing:

sudo apt install exfat-utils exfat-fuse

I have the same problem, I didn't understand why it work anymore.

Now am using KDE Partition Manager. It's like GParted but it supports exFAT (still).

enter image description here

enter image description here

Home Page Link: https://www.kde.org/applications/system/kdepartitionmanager/

GitHub Page Link: https://github.com/KDE/partitionmanager