How to switch the window buttons to the left in Cinnamon?

I tried Ubuntu Tweak and dconf-editor but nothing seemed to help. Perhaps if there is an extension for the same, please share if you happen to know this or any other workaround.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Cinnamon Settings -> Window -> Left Sided Title Bar buttons. Titlebar section of cinnamon's window settings You might have to restart cinnamon to see the changes; here are some ways to do that:

  • Right click the panel -> Troubleshoot -> Restart Cinnamon
  • Open a terminal and type cinnamon --replace &

(No need for gconf-editor!!!)

Solution 2:

I am guessing it has retained the same gconf settings as gnome-shell since it is just a fork of gnome-shell.

So, you can change the window control buttons layout using gconf-editor Install gconf-editor.

After installing it, press Alt+F2 and enter gconf-editor.

Then, move to Desktop -> gnome -> shell -> windows, and double click on the entry and enter these for button_layout: close,minimize,maximize:.

All that matters is the position of the :.

enter image description here

Solution 3:


The other answers didn't work for me in 12.10, so here is how I did it.

There are actually two ways of doing this.

  1. Open "Cinnamon Settings" and click 'Windows'. Here you can change the buttons in the title bar and which side they are on.

enter image description here

  1. You can also use dconf-editor. First install dconf using

    sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Open dconf-editor and navigate to:

org --> cinnamon --> overrides

Rearrange the value of button-layout from:




enter image description here

This will move the title buttons from the right side to the left in Cinnamon 1.6.7 and Ubuntu 12.10.