The type or namespace name 'Entity' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data'

Solution 1:

Right-click on the Solution from the Visual Studio Solution Explorer click the Manage Nuget packages for solution and install the EntityFramework

Solution 2:

Hi this post is very misleading, if your reading this 2 years on.

With using EF6 and .net 4.5.1 in VS 2013 I have had to reference the following to get this to work

using System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityClient;

a little different to before,

this is more of a FYI for people that come here for help on newer problems than a answer to the original question

Solution 3:

Thanks every body! I found the solution. not that I understand why but I tried this and it worked! I just had to add a reference to: System.Data.Entity.Design and don't have to write any using in the code. Thanks!

Solution 4:

I had entity framework 6.1.3, upgraded (well, more downgraded in NuGet) to 6.1.2. Worked.

Solution 5:

You need to install Entity framework by right click on your VS solution and click Manage NuGet Package solution and search there Entity framework. After installation the issue will be solved