Turn functions with a callback into Python generators?

Solution 1:

As pointed in the comments, you could do it in a new thread, using Queue. The drawback is that you'd still need some way to access the final result (what fmin returns at the end). My example below uses an optional callback to do something with it (another option would be to just yield it also, though your calling code would have to differentiate between iteration results and final results):

from thread import start_new_thread
from Queue import Queue

def my_fmin(func, x0, end_callback=(lambda x:x), timeout=None):

    q = Queue() # fmin produces, the generator consumes
    job_done = object() # signals the processing is done

    # Producer
    def my_callback(x):
    def task():
        ret = scipy.optimize.fmin(func,x0,callback=my_callback)
        end_callback(ret) # "Returns" the result of the main call

    # Starts fmin in a new thread

    # Consumer
    while True:
        next_item = q.get(True,timeout) # Blocks until an input is available
        if next_item is job_done:
        yield next_item

Update: to block the execution of the next iteration until the consumer has finished processing the last one, it's also necessary to use task_done and join.

    # Producer
    def my_callback(x):
        q.join() # Blocks until task_done is called

    # Consumer
    while True:
        next_item = q.get(True,timeout) # Blocks until an input is available
        if next_item is job_done:
        yield next_item
        q.task_done() # Unblocks the producer, so a new iteration can start

Note that maxsize=1 is not necessary, since no new item will be added to the queue until the last one is consumed.

Update 2: Also note that, unless all items are eventually retrieved by this generator, the created thread will deadlock (it will block forever and its resources will never be released). The producer is waiting on the queue, and since it stores a reference to that queue, it will never be reclaimed by the gc even if the consumer is. The queue will then become unreachable, so nobody will be able to release the lock.

A clean solution for that is unknown, if possible at all (since it would depend on the particular function used in the place of fmin). A workaround could be made using timeout, having the producer raises an exception if put blocks for too long:

    q = Queue(maxsize=1)

    # Producer
    def my_callback(x):
        q.put("dummy",True,timeout) # Blocks until the first result is retrieved
        q.join() # Blocks again until task_done is called

    # Consumer
    while True:
        next_item = q.get(True,timeout) # Blocks until an input is available
        q.task_done()                   # (one "task_done" per "get")
        if next_item is job_done:
        yield next_item
        q.get() # Retrieves the "dummy" object (must be after yield)
        q.task_done() # Unblocks the producer, so a new iteration can start

Solution 2:

Generator as coroutine (no threading)

Let's have FakeFtp with retrbinary function using callback being called with each successful read of chunk of data:

class FakeFtp(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = iter(["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd"])

    def login(self, user, password):
        self.user = user
        self.password = password

    def retrbinary(self, cmd, cb):
        for chunk in self.data:

Using simple callback function has disadvantage, that it is called repeatedly and the callback function cannot easily keep context between calls.

Following code defines process_chunks generator, which will be able receiving chunks of data one by one and processing them. In contrast to simple callback, here we are able to keep all the processing within one function without losing context.

from contextlib import closing
from itertools import count

def main():
    processed = []

    def process_chunks():
        for i in count():
                # (repeatedly) get the chunk to process
                chunk = yield
            except GeneratorExit:
                # finish_up
                print("Finishing up.")
                # Here process the chunk as you like
                print("inside coroutine, processing chunk:", i, chunk)
                product = "processed({i}): {chunk}".format(i=i, chunk=chunk)

    with closing(process_chunks()) as coroutine:
        # Get the coroutine to the first yield
        ftp = FakeFtp()
        # next line repeatedly calls `coroutine.send(data)`
        ftp.retrbinary("RETR binary", cb=coroutine.send)
        # each callback "jumps" to `yield` line in `process_chunks`

    print("processed result", processed)

To see the code in action, put the FakeFtp class, the code shown above and following line:


into one file and call it:

$ python headsandtails.py
('inside coroutine, processing chunk:', 0, 'aaa')
('inside coroutine, processing chunk:', 1, 'bbb')
('inside coroutine, processing chunk:', 2, 'ccc')
('inside coroutine, processing chunk:', 3, 'ddd')
Finishing up.
('processed result', ['processed(0): aaa', 'processed(1): bbb', 'processed(2): ccc', 'processed(3): ddd'])

How it works

processed = [] is here just to show, the generator process_chunks shall have no problems to cooperate with its external context. All is wrapped into def main(): to prove, there is no need to use global variables.

def process_chunks() is the core of the solution. It might have one shot input parameters (not used here), but main point, where it receives input is each yield line returning what anyone sends via .send(data) into instance of this generator. One can coroutine.send(chunk) but in this example it is done via callback refering to this function callback.send.

Note, that in real solution there is no problem to have multiple yields in the code, they are processed one by one. This might be used e.g. to read (and ignore) header of CSV file and then continue processing records with data.

We could instantiate and use the generator as follows:

coroutine = process_chunks()
# Get the coroutine to the first yield

ftp = FakeFtp()
# next line repeatedly calls `coroutine.send(data)`
ftp.retrbinary("RETR binary", cb=coroutine.send)
# each callback "jumps" to `yield` line in `process_chunks`

# close the coroutine (will throw the `GeneratorExit` exception into the
# `process_chunks` coroutine).

Real code is using contextlib closing context manager to ensure, the coroutine.close() is always called.


This solution is not providing sort of iterator to consume data from in traditional style "from outside". On the other hand, we are able to:

  • use the generator "from inside"
  • keep all iterative processing within one function without being interrupted between callbacks
  • optionally use external context
  • provide usable results to outside
  • all this can be done without using threading

Credits: The solution is heavily inspired by SO answer Python FTP “chunk” iterator (without loading entire file into memory) written by user2357112

Solution 3:

Concept Use a blocking queue with maxsize=1 and a producer/consumer model.

The callback produces, then the next call to the callback will block on the full queue.

The consumer then yields the value from the queue, tries to get another value, and blocks on read.

The producer is the allowed to push to the queue, rinse and repeat.


def dummy(func, arg, callback=None):
  for i in range(100):

# Dummy example:
for i in Iteratorize(dummy, lambda x: x+1, 0):

# example with scipy:
for i in Iteratorize(scipy.optimize.fmin, func, x0):

Can be used as expected for an iterator:

for i in take(5, Iteratorize(dummy, lambda x: x+1, 0)):

Iteratorize class:

from thread import start_new_thread
from Queue import Queue

class Iteratorize:
  Transforms a function that takes a callback 
  into a lazy iterator (generator).
  def __init__(self, func, ifunc, arg, callback=None):
    self.q = Queue(maxsize=1)
    self.sentinel = object()

    def _callback(val):

    def gentask():
      ret = self.mfunc(self.ifunc, self.stored_arg, callback=_callback)
      if self.c_callback:

    start_new_thread(gentask, ())

  def __iter__(self):
    return self

  def next(self):
    obj = self.q.get(True,None)
    if obj is self.sentinel:
     raise StopIteration 
      return obj

Can probably do with some cleaning up to accept *args and **kwargs for the function being wrapped and/or the final result callback.