Find the IP address of the client in an SSH session

I have a script that is to be run by a person that logs in to the server with SSH.

Is there a way to find out automatically what IP address the user is connecting from?

Of course, I could ask the user (it is a tool for programmers, so no problem with that), but it would be cooler if I just found out.

Check if there is an environment variable called:




(or any other environment variables) which gets set when the user logs in. Then process it using the user login script.

Extract the IP:

$ echo $SSH_CLIENT | awk '{ print $1}'
$ echo $SSH_CONNECTION | awk '{print $1}'

You could use the command:

server:~# pinky

that will give to you somehting like this:

Login      Name                 TTY    Idle   When                 Where 

root       root                 pts/0         2009-06-15 13:41

Try the following to get just the IP address:

who am i|awk '{ print $5}'

Just type the following command on your Linux machine:


 who | cut -d"(" -f2 |cut -d")" -f1