How do I bind Twitter Bootstrap tooltips to dynamically created elements?

I'm using Twitter bootstrap tooltips with javascript like the following:


My markup looks like this:

<a rel="tooltip" title="Not implemented" class="btn"><i class="icon-file"></i></a>

This works fine, but I add <a> elements dynamically and the tooltips aren't showing up for those dynamic elements. I know it's because I only bind .tooltip() once when the document is finished loaded with the typical jquery $(document).ready(function() functionality.

How can I bind this to dynamically created elements? Usually I would do this via the jquery live() method. However, what is the event that I use to bind? I'm just not sure how to hook up the bootstrap .tooltip() with jquery .live().

I've found one way to make this work is something like this:

/* Add new 'rows' when plus sign is clicked */
$("a.add").live('click', function () {
    var clicked_li = $(this).parent('li');
    var clone = clicked_li.clone();

    clone.find(':input').each(function() {


This works, but seems kind of hackish. I'm also calling the exact same .tooltip() line in the $(ready) call. So, do the elements that exist when the page first loads and match that selector end up with the tooltip twice?

I don't see any problems with this approach. I'm just looking for a best practice or understanding of the behavior.

Solution 1:

Try this one:

    selector: '[rel=tooltip]'

Solution 2:

If you have multiple tooltip configurations that you want to initialise, this works well for me.

    selector: '[data-toggle="tooltip"]'

You can then set the property on individual elements using data attributes.