driver for canon LBP6030

Solution 1:

If you go here to the Canon Asia site, you can download and SAVE what will be linux-UFRIILT-drv-v140_uken.tar.gz which was issued on 14th Nov 2017. It is a comprehensive package that has rpm and debian drivers; in both 32bit and 64bit variants. There is an install script that does all the work for you.

To install: open a terminal; (hold the control and alt and t buttons down ..)

To paste the commands below into a terminal; right-click at the flashing text prompt in the terminal; and select PASTE from the menu that appears .

.. so copy each command below; one line at a time; and paste into the terminal and hit the ENTER key ..

cd Downloads
tar -zxvf linux-UFRIILT-drv-v140_uken.tar.gz
cd linux-UFRIILT-drv-v140_uken

next comes the install script so watch the terminal as it runs, as it will likely ask you some questions .....

sudo ./

and that should 1) install the drivers and 2) register the printer with lpadmin so you can print from any programme ..

Solution 2:

The official US support driver can be download here

Open a terminal then enter following commands

cd ~/Downloads

tar -zxvf linux-UFRIILT-drv-v150-usen.tar.gz

cd linux-UFRIILT-drv-v150-usen

sudo ./

continue with register printer in linux (Ubuntu) you should see the printer in your system.

Good luck