ssh on windows - Corrupted MAC on input

I've installed OpenSSH on Windows.

I can successfully connect to my remote server via ssh with Putty from this Windows machine.

But when opening a PowerShell, and trying

ssh [email protected]

I've got the error:

debug3: send packet: type 5                                                                    
Corrupted MAC on input.                                                                        
ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: message authentication code incorrect

When looking on my remote server in the secure logs, I've got:

Dec  7 03:20:22 allo-01 sshd[10102]: Connection from port 49869 on port 22
Dec  7 03:20:23 allo-01 sshd[10102]: Connection reset by port 49869 [preauth]

Do you know what's wrong? Why my ssh command from openssl on windows behave differently from PuTTY?

Raoul's answer to his own question is correct. I ran into the same issue and adding the correct algorithm name after the -m option works (in my case the option was -m hmac-sha2-512 to connect from PowerShell to a machine running Ubuntu 18.04).

I wasn't sure which algorithm to use, but you can list all the available ones by running:

ssh -Q mac

I selected one at random, tried it and the remote server returned saying that algorithm wasn't supported, but it handily told me which one's were so that I could amend my command. Using this command I could then ssh into the remote machine:

ssh -m hmac-sha2-512 <user_name>@<remote_address>

If you need to use scp too, the parameter is different:

scp -o MACs=hmac-sha2-512 <and the rest of your scp command>


Corrupted MAC on input.

let me think about something wrong with my ethernet card.

Indeed, in ssh world, MAC means "message authentication code".

So, I resolve my issue by adding to my ssh command option -m with an accepectable algorithm by the remote.