Custom attributes - Yea or nay?

HTML 5 explicitly allows custom attributes that begin with data. So, for example, <p data-date-changed="Jan 24 5:23 p.m.">Hello</p> is valid. Since it's officially supported by a standard, I think this is the best option for custom attributes. And it doesn't require you to overload other attributes with hacks, so your HTML can stay semantic.


Here's a technique I've been using recently:

<div id="someelement">

    <!-- {
        someRandomData: {a:1,b:2},
        someString: "Foo"
    } -->

    <div>... other regular content...</div>

The comment-object ties to the parent element (i.e. #someelement).

Here's the parser:

To get the data for any particular element simply call parseData with a reference to that element passed as the only argument:

var myElem = document.getElementById('someelement');

var data = parseData( myElem );

data.someRandomData.a; // <= Access the object staight away

It can be more succinct than that:

<li id="foo">
    ... content ...

Access it:

parseData( document.getElementById('foo') ).specialID; // <= 245

The only disadvantage of using this is that it cannot be used with self-closing elements (e.g. <img/>), since the comments must be within the element to be considered as that element's data.


Notable benefits of this technique:

  • Easy to implement
  • Does not invalidate HTML/XHTML
  • Easy to use/understand (basic JSON notation)
  • Unobtrusive and semantically cleaner than most alternatives

Here's the parser code (copied from the hyperlink above, in case it ever becomes unavailable on

var parseData = (function(){

    var getAllComments = function(context) {

            var ret = [],
                node = context.firstChild;

            if (!node) { return ret; }

            do {
                if (node.nodeType === 8) {
                    ret[ret.length] = node;
                if (node.nodeType === 1) {
                    ret = ret.concat( getAllComments(node) );
            } while( node = node.nextSibling );

            return ret;

        cache = [0],
        expando = 'data' + +new Date(),
        data = function(node) {

            var cacheIndex = node[expando],
                nextCacheIndex = cache.length;

            if(!cacheIndex) {
                cacheIndex = node[expando] = nextCacheIndex;
                cache[cacheIndex] = {};

            return cache[cacheIndex];


    return function(context) {

        context = context || document.documentElement;

        if ( data(context) && data(context).commentJSON ) {
            return data(context).commentJSON;

        var comments = getAllComments(context),
            len = comments.length,
            comment, cData;

        while (len--) {
            comment = comments[len];
            cData =\n|\r\n/g, '');
            if ( /^\s*?\{.+\}\s*?$/.test(cData) ) {
                try {
                    data(comment.parentNode).commentJSON =
                        (new Function('return ' + cData + ';'))();
                } catch(e) {}

        return data(context).commentJSON || true;



You can create any attribute if you specify a schema for your page.

For example:


<html xmlns="" xmlns:addthis="">
<a addthis:title="" addthis:url="" ...>

Facebook (even tags)

<html xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="">
<fb:like href="" width="450" height="80"/>

The easiest way to avoid use of custom attributes is to use existing attributes.

use meaningful, relevant class names.
For example, do something like: type='book' and type='cd', to represent books and cds. Classes are much better for representing what something IS.

e.g. class='book'

I have used custom attributes in the past, but honestly, there really isn't a need to for them if you make use of existing attributes in a semantically meaningful way.

To give a more concrete example, let's say you have a site giving links to different kinds of stores. You could use the following:

<a href='wherever.html' id='bookstore12' class='book store'>Molly's books</a>
<a href='whereverelse.html' id='cdstore3' class='cd store'>James' Music</a>

css styling could use classes like:

.store { } { } { }

In the above example we see that both are links to stores (as opposed to the other unrelated links on the site) and one is a cd store, and the other is a book store.