IllegalStateException: Can't change container ID of Fragment

Android platform: 3.1

I am trying to move a fragment from a container A to a container B. Here follows the code to accomplish this:

private void reattach(int newContainerId, Fragment frag, String tag) {

      if (frag == null || !frag.isAdded() || (frag.getId() == newContainerId)) { return; }

      final FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
      FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
      ft.remove(frag);     //stacco il frammento dal container A

      ft = fm.beginTransaction();
      ft.add(newContainerId, frag, tag); //attacco il frammento sul container D

When I run the system, I get the following IllegalStateException:

03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{eu.areamobile.apps.sfa/eu.areamobile.apps.sfa.activity.HomeActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't change container ID of fragment FragmentHomeController{408202a8 id=0x7f050010 HomeController}: was 2131034128 now 2131034132
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at$1600(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at$H.handleMessage(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at$
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't change container ID of fragment FragmentHomeController{408202a8 id=0x7f050010 HomeController}: was 2131034128 now 2131034132
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at eu.areamobile.apps.sfa.activity.HomeActivity.reattach(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at eu.areamobile.apps.sfa.activity.HomeActivity.customHideShowCreate(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at eu.areamobile.apps.sfa.activity.HomeActivity.customHideShowCreate(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at eu.areamobile.apps.sfa.activity.HomeActivity.onPostCreate(
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at
03-26 00:13:14.829: E/AndroidRuntime(30090):    at

After a quick debug, I noticed that on Android 3.1 the FragmentTransaction.remove doesn't set to 0 the mContainerId of the fragment being removed, while on ICS it works correctly.
Any suggestions or workarounds?

My solution to this problem is to re-create the fragment while keeping its state:

FragmentTransaction ft = mFragmentManager.beginTransaction();
Fragment newInstance = recreateFragment(old);
ft.add(, newInstance);

With the following helper function:

private Fragment recreateFragment(Fragment f)
        try {
            Fragment.SavedState savedState = mFragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState(f);

            Fragment newInstance = f.getClass().newInstance();

            return newInstance;
        catch (Exception e) // InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot reinstantiate fragment " + f.getClass().getName(), e);

It works for me, at least with the latest support library (r11), although I didn't test much yet.

The extra cost is to instantiate the fragment twice.

after trying all the answers from similar questions, looks like i've found a way to do the trick.

First issue - you really have to commit and execute remove transaction before trying to add fragment to another container. Thanks for that goes to nave's answer

But this doesn't work every time. The second issue is a back stack. It somehow blocks the transaction.

So the complete code, that works for me looks like:

manager.popBackStackImmediate(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
    .replace(, masterFragment, masterTag)
    .add(, detailFragment, activeTag)

I had a similar problem and calling manager.executePendingTransactions() before adding the fragment for the second time did the trick for me. Thanks!

This can happen when try to add the same fragment more than once.

    public void populateFragments() {
        Fragment fragment = new Fragment();
        //fragment is added for the first time

        // fragment is added for the second time
        // This call will be responsible for the issue. The 

    public void addFragment(Fragment fragment) {
        FrameLayout frameLayout = AppView.createFrameLayout(context);
        getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(frameLayout.getId(), fragment).commit();