What service do you use to manage DNS?

We use DNS Made Easy. We had another provider for several years with less than enticing service. After switching to these guys, with their 100% SLA, we've not ever had a single problem. High priority tickets were responded to < 5 mins, 'normal' tickets ~ 20 minutes.

They've always been courtious and helpful, even when I'm having a blonde day and ask some downright stupid questions.

I'm a fan of vi, myself.

The best option is to go with geographically dispersed nameservers (with the use of anycast) if speed is the most important part, otherwise just add a few free nameservers (use google) and share secondary DNS with a few other sysadmins.

As for a commercial DNS provider, easydns.com has always been my first choice.

www.afraid.org gets my vote every time. and its free for most use.