Is there any remote desktop solution for Mac? I don't mean a VNC where one can only manage the computer using the logged user on the computer. I want to be able to use my Mac at home using GUI with my account while my wife accesses the computer locally using her account.

Is it possible?

Mac OS X does not support multiple GUI sessions by itself. There are a couple options however - you can try Vine Server which requires some setup ahead of time (fast user switching on, you have to be logged on with a copy of Vine Server running).

The more robust alternative is a product called AquaConnect Terminal Server which provides services like Terminal Server but requires Mac OS X Server to run.

Not sure if this helps but there "might" be away if X11 is turned on on the Mac as any unix/linux os disto would usually work. would need some unconventional setup though. Oh and you probably would not get the same OS X desktop presented when connected via X11. Just throwing out and apologies if this misses the mark.(i would know how to setup multiple sessions on unix/linux but never done it with mac)

but I'm afraid to use multiple GUI same time you need Mac OS X server:)