Mail-inbox shows a mail sent from its own mail-address without having sent it

I received an email that appeared to be from my own mail-address

The "From:" email address is not reliable and is easily spoofed.

In the case of your email there is no reliable header that shows the actual (real) from address, but the return path is [email protected]

The Message-Id <[email protected]> shows that the email was sent by via

How can I analyze the email headers?

First of all you need to get the full email headers. See How do I display and send the full headers of an email message? for instruction for some common email clients.

Why do we need the full email headers?

  • In email messages, headers contain the addresses of all the computer systems that have relayed a message in between you and the message's sender. Each computer that forwards the message along its route adds a line of information to the headers.

  • Usually you do not see these full headers, as they can be fairly long and thus are not displayed along with the common "From:", "To:", "Subject:", and "Date:" headers.

  • The information provided in the full headers allows you to determine where a message actually came from, and how it got to your computer.

  • This is sometimes necessary because the address you see on the "From:" line can be spoofed, or faked.

Source In email, what are full headers?

There are many tools to analyze email headers, some of which can show if any of the ip addresses in the chain are on spam blacklists.

These tools can also tell if any of the "Received:" headers in the chain are forged.

MxToolbox Email Header Analyzer

Feeding your email headers into this tool produces the following output:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Further reading

  • Tutorial - Mail Header Analysis for Spoof Protection
  • Example - SMTP message spoofing