Solution 1:

I found the solution, it was a stupid thing. The hosts had several NIC for network access to different VLANs. Some of the NIC where mapped to a Virtual Switch, and some of them were shared with the OS ('Allow management operating system to share this network adapter').

I noticed the SMB packet often used the wrong interface (DMZ), and of course the request was denied.

The Powershell command I used to identify the wrong route used by the SMB traffic :

Find-NetRoute -RemoteIPAddress x.x.x.x

(where x.x.x.x is the a remote ressource on your network)

This showed the DMZ interface, instead of the LAN interface. Removing the 'Allow management operating system to share this network adapter' on the DMZ vSwitch solved the issue for me.

I still don't understand how this cluster worked so well for 1.5 year, with this configuration. But well, now it is solved, the FSW and all other operations work well.

Hope this can help ;)