Would you recommend Windows Vista? [closed]

I have a Vista laptop that runs fine, but no I would not recommend anyone pay to upgrade to it with windows 7 getting closer to launching.

As for a business decision: If you're lucky, Windows XP is on all of your machines. In our case we have 2-4 thousand XP machines, but some of our software breaks in Windows Vista. We're documenting that and looking into costs for newer versions, but we will not be buying new versions until we've tested them on Windows 7.

There is no business advantage of changing to Vista for us, but we will most likely look at moving to Windows 7 and updating things so that we do not fall behind as an organization.

From a company aspect unless you have a business case for moving to vista, don't bother. You can stay compliant with PCI, GLBA, and SOX without it, and all of your users are used to it.

Spend your time familiarizing yourself with Windows 7 and start updating documentation for end user guides.

My organization decided to stick with Windows XP, which for me is torture, since I use Win7 at home.

As for running Vista, I personally have had ZERO problems running it on my network, and no problems with laptops in my department using Vista Business.

Most of the anti-Vista stuff I've run into are from non-technical users who have heard "bad things" (think the anti-PC/Vista Apple ads) - and most of these users don't like the way XP works either.

As for recommending Vista, I would, because for the end user, they fixed so many little XP annoyances, like needing administrator approval to plug in a new flash drive (I hate supporting that one!)

The fact that Win7 includes the "XP Mode" license (for Pro versions) - versus $99 XP downgrade rights on your Vista license - seems to speak for itself. Kudos to Microsoft, honestly, for having the guts to admit they made a bad call, and move forward.

We've got one intrepid Vista user in the office.

  • There are some printers he can't use
  • There are some corporate apps he can't use
  • There are some administrative tools (for Microsoft products) that he can't use because he runs Vista

Basically, he's got an XP virtual he needs to keep running in order to successfully perform his job. We'll need a better scenario than that before we get a desktop OS change approved by management.

I'm running Vista Business SP1 and Vista Ultimate SP1 and have not had any issues. I haven't seen Windows 7 yet, but I have heard that it is very much like Vista just easier to use. If I had a choice now, I would wait until Windows 7 comes out and go straight from WinXP to Windows 7.


I would wait for Windows 7, it has a lot better performance than Vista and is much easier to use. It is also remarkably stable, even while it was in Beta I didn't have a single problem with it despite daily use.

I would not recommend Vista for almost any environment, I'd rather go for Windows XP instead.