Good bug tracking with Sharepoint? [closed]

Not sure if the template you mentioned was from here.. "SharePoint Templates"

SharePoint can be a challenge but does offer some great tools once you understand it. I belive it is one of the most challenging MS products I have seen but it is also very powerful. Have you checked Codeplex for SharePoint? Codeplex

In extension to DaveM's answer, I found documentation about the templates here:

Specifically, these were interesting:

  • Bug Database TDM Datasheet (MS Word)
  • Change Request Management TDM Datasheet (MS Word)

and this one for a more advanced setup:

  • IT Team Workspace TDM Datasheet (MS Word) contains project management, bug tracking, and helpdesk (each also available separately).

I think I'll go with a combination of the first two. The latter seems too advanced for SP newbies and would be better suited to a much larger team.

Our team has used the MS SP bug tracking template on two projects. I would not consider the solution 'best of breed,' but it does work. You are able to add and remove fields as required, have a conversation with date stamps (using comments), and apply security (view/read/write). You can import and export the bug list to/from Excel.

Workflow can be added but it requires a developer (or a SP super user). The default configuration includes history tracking amd files attachments. As with any SP object, you can setup RSS feeds and e-mail notifications.

Given the choice, I would use a dedicated bug tracking package rather than the free solution offered by Microsoft. I haven't looked, but I'm sure that there are more complete bug tracking solutions that use SP as the back end.

SharePoint might answer your need as as simple ticket system.

However, I expect a bug tracker to be integrated with the source code (like if I comment a source change with "FIX bug #123", I want the ticket to be marked as "fixed" and be able to see the code diff).

Also, you don't have much flexibility around notifications, tracking time spent on a ticket, etc.

As such, I don't recommend SharePoint if you want to be serious about bug tracking.