If you submit a new portal to Ingress are you informed when it is activated in the game?

I submitted a clear image with geo-coordinates in the EXIF data (enable "Store Location" in the camera app settings) on December 14th, 2012.

The submission was approved by Niantic on February 6th, 2013, 54 days later.

Success! Your Portal submission has been accepted and will be available for gameplay in the near future. Should you have additional questions, please visit our Help Center.


The world around you is not what it seems.

I have yet to see the portal actually appear in the game, but found this in the Help Center:

Expect a Portal to go live 2-3 weeks after it is accepted.

It sounds like the reviewing of submissions is very random....

======= UPDATE

Portal added during the early morning of Feb 21st, so 15 days after the approval email.

Thats a grand total of 69 days from submission to showing up in game.

No, at least I have not heard that anyone got informed.

3 of my portal suggestions were added to the game, however I have not got any message or confirmation yet.