Apache 2.4 Require exclude ip range

Solution 1:

A subtle detail when using the not in a Require directive to negate the match is that it cannot be used by itself to allow or deny a request, as "not true" does not constitute a "false".

Thus, to deny a visit using a negation, the block must have one element that does evaluate as true or false.

To create an IP-address blacklist, rather than a whitelist, you use the following construct:

  # Block IP-addresses from and the and networks 
  Require not ip 193.37 10.9.8

  # Allow all other IP's
  Require all granted

To allow public access without authenticating but still require auth for localnet you get a an authorisation container like:

   # users from the ip-range localnet must be authenticated 
      Require ip "localnet"
      Require valid-user
   # users not from the ip-range localnet are allowed anonymous access
       Require not ip "localnet"
       Require all granted