Windows RDP -- Possible to resize resolution on-the-fly?

I'm wondering if it's possible to resize the desktop on an RDP session on the fly

I realize you can do it before you connect, but I'm looking to resize it on the fly similar to how vmware works. If I have it in a window that's 800x600 I'd like the remote desktop to be resized to 800x600... but if I maximize my local window or go full screen, I'd like the remote desktop to assume the resolution of the local PC, or the window dimensions.

VMWare does this exactly how I want with an option called "use host settings for monitors"

As I scale the window, the desktop on the guest os scales, I'd like to do this on an RDP session?

Any ideas?

Solution 1:

This is implemented as a new feature called "Dynamic Resolution Update" and was introduced in Windows 8.1. As long as the resolution is set to "Full Screen" on the client, the desktop resolution will be kept in sync with the client.

One of the changes we’ve made as part of RDP 8.1 is the addition of a new message that can be sent from the client to the server to dynamically update the resolution inside the remote session to match what is available on the client without the need to do a complete reconnect of the session. Previously, we only set the remote resolution during the initial connection. With this change, the resolution is set at connect time and can be updated when the client-side resolution changes while the app is in full screen mode, or when the app transitions from windowed mode to full screen. The resolution change is quick enough to be practically the same as a local change.

See the announcement on the RDS Blog for more.

Solution 2:

Smart sizing is now a full-blown feature of Remote desktop, but is "hidden" in the right click menu

enter image description here

Source: my (italian) article here (Google Translate)

Hope this help