How to disable the alarm sound in the default Windows 10 timer app

This question is about the Windows 10 default Alarm & Clock app. I'm currently trying to set up a timer so that (for example) after 10 minutes, I get a notification saying something like "time's up".

Unfortunately, while I get a notification, the app accompanies the notification with an obnoxious beeping alarm sound. In addition, the volume of the music I am playing through Firefox decreases when this alarm plays, and increases afterwards. I would like to turn off the sound. Here's what I've tried:

  1. I've tried turning off the sound for that specific app (I'm playing music, so I can't turn the sound off completely), using the app titled "volume mixer". Unfortunately, there is no dedicated volume control for the alarm app. I've tried turning down the "system sounds" volume control, and this has no effect.

  2. I've tried changing the settings of the app, but as far as I can tell the app has no settings page, and no way to turn off the volume for the timer. (There is a way to turn off the sound for the alarm clock).

If there is no specific "Alarm & Clock" fix, I would be open to using a different app, as long as it wouldn't require me to install something like "Java Run-time Environment", which I don't want to do (security risks).

I realize this is an old post, but I was able to mute alarms by going to Windows Settings, then System, then to Notifications & actions. From here, scroll down and click om "Alarms & Clock" - in this box, you can disable alarm sounds

Since you said we could use software, I made a 3-piece alarm clock. You can download it or copy+paste the code:


this will be the file you place in the startup section of the start menu (All programs panel)

Set oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell") 
Dim strArgs
strArgs = "cmd /c $LOCATION$"
oShell.Run strArgs, 0, false

Change $LOCATION$ with the location of the third file,


this will be the file with the reminder


Change MESSAGE. with the body and REMINDER! with the title


this will be the file that checks the date and time and executes Popup.vbs

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
::====SET TABLE====::
SET ACtime=1717
SET ACmsgloc=C:\Users\Jeremi\Desktop\FaceCensorApp.vbs 
::====SET TABLE====::
title Alarm Clock

goto loop

for %%i in (%ACday%) do (
if "%date:~0,3%"=="%%i" goto loop

goto k

Set the variables with the set table.

    1. ACtime is in 24-hr format. Remeber to put just digits no other characters.
    2. ACday is the FIRST 3 letters of the day, no other characters. Monday=MON Tuesday=Tue Wednesday=WED (You get the point?) 
    3. ACmsgloc is the LOCATION of the reminder file. Enter the FULL path (like C:\Users\Joey\Desktop\Popup.vbs

set mytime=%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%

if "%mytime%" EQU "%ACtime%" (
start %ACmsgloc%
exit )  
goto loop


Here is what works for me -- a kludge for sure but does what I need it to do:

First, my requirements were three:

  • to play a loud "obnoxious" sound once - so I can hear it through the house - but not repeat in case I am not around
  • leave an alert open on the screen so if I did miss the alarm when it sounded I will see it when I get back
  • not steal focus when the alarm message pops up

To make this work I installed Free Alarm Clock, then:

  • set the same alarms in both Free Alarm Clock and Alarms & Clock
  • in Free Alarm Clock I uncheck "Show Message" so it does not steal focus and uncheck "Repeat sound"
  • in Settings --> System --> Notifications & actions --> Alarms & Clock: I turn off "Play a sound when a notification arrives"
  • in Settings --> System --> Notifications & actions --> Free Alarm Clock: I turn off "Play a sound when a notification arrives" (so it doesn't clobber the sound from Free Alarm Clock)

When an alarm sounds, I get the sound alert from Free Alarm Clock, and two notifications in the Notification Center - the one for Free Alarm Clock goes away but the alert from Alarms & Clock stays.

One thing slightly lacking: an audible snooze because you need to have "Show Message" checked on Free Alarm Clock for snooze - I get the silent snooze message from Alarms & Clock -- this still works for me because if I snooze an alarm I am generally at my computer then and will see the silent snooze message.