Installing poppler-0.62.0 on ubuntu 16.04

For installation of Poppler on 16.04 LTS do the following:

  1. Enable source packages from Software & Updates.
  2. Install build dependencies with sudo apt-get build-dep libpoppler58
  3. Install cmake with sudo apt-get install cmake
  4. Install development package for libopenjp2 with sudo apt-get install libopenjp2-7-dev
  5. Install Gdk-PixBuf with sudo apt-get install libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev
  6. Install checkinstall to make deb-package sudo apt-get install checkinstall
  7. Download and run the compilation:

    cd /tmp
    tar -xf poppler-0.62.0.tar.xz
    cd poppler-0.62.0
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo checkinstall make install

In checkinstall session do the following:

  1. for Should I create a default set of package docs? answer n.
  2. enter libpoppler-0.62.0 as package description and press Ctrl+D;
  3. enter 2 and enter libpoppler as package Name, press Enter;
  4. enter 3 and enter 0.62.0-local as package Version, press Enter;
  5. press Enter to continue (start compilation and deb-package building)

You can verify installation of your package with apt-cache policy libpoppler:

  Installed: 0.62.0-local-1
  Candidate: 0.62.0-local-1
  Version table:
 *** 0.62.0-local-1 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Binaries will be install into /usr/local/bin (you can check this with dpkg -L libpoppler).

(This should be a comment on N0rbert's answer, but I can't comment)

I had several problems following N0rbert's solution, but I managed to solve them by doing this

Everytime either cmake or checkinstall would complain about missing files, I'd use

apt-file search name-of-missing-file

(you may have to install it through sudo apt-get install apt-file)

the search would return the name of the pack that contained such file, and then all I had to do was install each package that cmake or checkinstall were complaining about

sudo apt-get install --reinstall name-of-pack-according-to-search

then run cmake or checkinstall again (depending on whichone complained), and search for the file and install packages until it complained no more and the installation succeeded.

In my case most of the problems were about Qt5, which I must have installed at some point of my running around trying to install poppler. Somehow I must have made a faulty installation, which is why I had to use --reinstall on every package