Automatic Chrome opening on session start - windows 10

Solution 1:

As described here go to

C:\Users\Your user name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

(or on Run shell:Startup )and add a shortcut of chrome at this folder

Solution 2:

Windows 10 has a startup folder in the Start Menu in which you can drop shortcuts to applications you want to start automatically.

In previous versions of Windows it was pretty easy to find but Windows 10 has made it a little more difficult.

  1. Press the Windows key and R together to open the run dialog
  2. Type in shell:startup and press OK, an explorer window will open up
  3. Copy and paste a shortcut to Chrome from your desktop to this window.
  4. Restart your PC and Chrome will automatically launch.

There is also a special mode called kiosk mode that will limit Windows to a single program. This is usually used for public access terminals.