Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML)

I use XML layouts on pretty much every fragment and activity of every app I write. I very rarely see any need to create Views dynamically, tho configuration of ListViews, showing/hiding views, etc needs doing in code. For me the advantages of XML are:

  • Ability to use layout editors (Eclipse)
  • Easier to preview layouts
  • Possible to benefit from auto-localisation of layouts
  • Easily maintain different parallel layouts for difference devices (screens)
  • Can get a sense of the layout by looking at it (easier than code)
  • Easy to break layouts down into pieces (fragments, includes, etc) to remove duplication
  • Keeps a separation between the visual design, and the functionality behind it

I can't think of any good reasons to put all my layouts into code - that sounds like hell.

I expect the reason your layouts don't look the same is because your XML is not defining the layouts correctly. Bear in mind the Android tools convert XML layouts into code, so there's no inherent problem with using XML layouts versus dynamic - both end up as code.


The answer very much depends on your needs, flexibility, and knowledge. The first thing to understand is that every Layout, whether created via XML or programmatically can be tweaked specifically or made to conform to many screens via properties.

... and somehow always find myself resorting to Java code in order to construct the layouts. In a professional development environment, is this acceptable?

Yes, it is. Android makes those available so you can do just that. However, the benefits of managing layouts via XML include standard MVC segregation, simpler debugging, and an easier time modifying the resource, if needed. Additionally, you may maintain multiple copies of Layouts depending on device configuration easily.

... has anyone really been able to develop apps with complex views purely using XML files?

Absolutely! There are some amazing programs that fully utilize XML rather than programmatic views. The key to them is how much information (that is non-standard view properties) is required from parental Views. Even in those cases there are ways to pass that information provided you know where and how to do so.

Or am I doing something wrong?

I don't think so. Honestly, I've run both ways depending on need. I'd say it really comes down to your lack of knowledge of the quirks. But the job is to get the job done. Here's an example: There are some times when I don't know how big everything needs to be until its run on the device, and there are times that I make the device conform to my layout's needs. Ultimately, I use the following chart to make my determinations.

  • Do I need information from parental Layouts that is aside from view properties
  • Do I need to dynamically size more than one element independently.
  • Is the View type pre-determined or will it change as well?

If the answer to 2 out of 3 of those is "yes", I will use some level of programmatic layout. If not, I will go pure XML. That being said, programming is one of those professions that encourages ingenuity (provided it is safe) and nearly anything can be accomplished in any number of ways. Ultimately, I'd say do whatever makes your job making quality apps easier.

Google makes its recommendations based on their own knowledge of software programmers and their general practices. They also created the platform, so they know which things are optimized in which ways. Its all about experience and we all have our own. If you have trouble utilizing XML, its worth taking the time to figure out the quirks simply so that it is another tool to utilize. Also, it will give you the information you need to answer this question for yourself.

To sum things up: I could say chocolate is better, but if you like vanilla, you'll disagree. Be aware of the drawbacks and benefits of each and take the time to learn how to accomplish the same tasks with both methods. It will make you a better programmer and give you a better sense of when to use which technique.

Hope this helps,
